....I was preparing for the last few days to write this post......I had so many feelings overwhelming my heart and mind, so many things I wanted to say.....But my worse fear was that they wouldn't come out the right way.....the way I feel them ....
Somehow, tonight, I thought I will just say what I have to now........however senseless it may sound......otherwise I'll just bury these feelings in.
These last two weeks I've been at home, in my bed-the place I've dreamed so much of getting to ever since the accident. And I was right: once I arrived everything changed. Just not entirely as I expected.......
All this time, there was only one person completely responsible for my well-being at home.And I don't think any of us realizes what it means to have somebody depending entirely on us, like I am depending now on this person. We don't live with the thought that someday we'll have to choose between our normal life and our usual priorities and taking care of someone else. And I am convinced not everybody can make such a decision. I was fortunate to have a person strong enough to make it......
Every single day I have friends stopping by my place, people who are concerned about my well being. And every day that surprises me: my "being" is well every time, however nobody takes the time to ask the person who is taking care of me how is he holding on.The person who feeds me three times a day, who washes and gives me muscle rubbs, the one who fulfills my every desire and still has time to smile and encourage me, still has energy to love me and to kiss me goodnight. The person which goes to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning at wakes up at 7, so I can eat and wash up before he goes to a business meeting he can't decline. The one who bears my sometimes moody presence never running out of patience. And the most beautiful thing is that every single moment he is by my side he CHOOSES to be there.He doesn't have to do all these things, and still he is there.
He has to make this choice every minute of every day.Choices like giving up 80 percent of his life to stay home with me, choices like not going out with his friends, giving up chairing opportunities and AIESEC conferences, in a nutshell, pretty much everything that was important in his life up to this point.
I can only hope that one day I will have the chance to give back at least a small part of what he has given me. Although I seriously doubt love can be translated into anything more than what he has proved in these last 2 months. A "thank you" somehow loses its value in this situation, but right now it's all I have for him.So Thank you,Stefan !
I have been given so much since this accident happened: a chance to live, a chance to be whole again, caring friends and family to make my life better, and a person so dedicated by my side the entire journey........
And I must ask myself......What am I going to do to have been worth all of this?
This one goes out to The One I Love
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Ore : 6:24 PM
Ore : 6:24 PM
posted by Rada babe at 6:24 PM
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Comments for This one goes out to The One I Love
măi gâzuc,
mai bine nu trebuia să-ţi demonstrez nimic. te pup tare şi mă duc înapoi la treabă.
azi mâncăm paste.
le chef.
mai bine nu trebuia să-ţi demonstrez nimic. te pup tare şi mă duc înapoi la treabă.
azi mâncăm paste.
le chef.