Yesterday, at 9 a.m. one of my best friends in the last year has departed for Australia.
He was here for 11 months, gaining more friends than one can gain in a lifetime. On the other hand this is Romania......friends are everywhere !(just kidding, Brettles darling!)
We started our careers in BRINEL together, last year on June 13th. Lucky day!
He was starting his 6th year in Marketing and I my first one. I remember thinking in our first day spent together, after work, while "savouring" a Marty pizza that he must be the most timid and quiet australian in the world. Boy, did the following months prove me wrong!
I truly believe that these eleven months of my life would have been completely different if it weren't for him. Different as in me missing all the fun in the world and not experiencing a completely new dimension of friendship.
He also made me proud of my career choice when I was still pending between Marketing and Human Resources.
I'll miss terribly his overly cheerful "Hello Darling" in the grim winter mornings, the neverending jokes about the romanian lifestyle that always seem to make me so angry, the endless arguing about whose turn it is to make the coffee, and the little pranks we used to play on Georgi.(which by the way were - for the record- all his ideas). He was one of the reasons I found great to come to work for. No matter how bad some days got, he always seemed to find the right silly tricks that would make me laugh.
I'll especially miss "the prompt and good advice" Brettles, the little energy drop Brownie (especially after work and on weekend nights) that gave a new meaning to the word fun and living.
He was the first person to give me the "get up, you lazy trooper" treatment after my car accident. It mostly consisted in all kinds of "this is just an excuse to get out of work" jokes as I was lying in the hospital bed. He actually managed to launch a trend in this direction, while after two months since the crash, I am still the subject of these jokes, now made by all my friends. I can honestly say, that laughing at my situation was one of the most important things that kept me going in a pozitive and optimistic way. And of course, let's not forget the Chinese noodles and the music selection he made for me.
His leaving left me without a very close friend that taught me valuable lessons about self confidence, standing up for myself and about the beauty of being your crazy self even even when the rest are locked up in standard behaviours.
I guess the most important thing that he taught me was that life is to be lived intensely, without being permanently caught up between the past and the future. Because life has a way of working things out eventually.
You'd better get your ass back here as soon as you can, Brettles because Raddles is missing you terribly already!