1. Because if we survive our roomate’s farting and eating with their mouth open habbits, we can almost take pleasure in the nice neverending convesation about her aches and pains.
2. When did we ever get the chance to pee in bed without instantly awaking the rage of our parents? Well, in the nice hospitals of Romania not only are you allowed to pee but you are strongly encouraged to do all your stuff in bed. In your face, raging parents!
3. Who said peace and quiet is the first rule of any hospital? You have a green light in shouting your brains out to other patients, slamming doors and throwing wild parties on the hallway. Well, at least all the nurses do…….
4. The food is certainly a treat while beans and boiled cabbage are well known for their curative qualities.
5. You have to love the sleeping hours: you go to bed at whenever-your lovely-roomate’s -moaning-stops o‘clock and you’re gently woken up by a hard slamming door, 2 light projectors in your eyes and an obviously not loud enough “Wassssssssssuuuup!!!!” shouted by the nurse on duty at 6 a.m.
6. Free massage from the hospital specialist definitely gets you through the day.
7. My personal favourites, though, are those rare specimens of nurses I was lucky enough to meet, that are constantly present in your room praising all the different types of gifts and food you receive from your friends. My little vultures I like to call them! They usually go by the principle: What’s yours is entirely mine – especially the food!
8. Getting a free visit from the hospital priest is definitely the perk of the day – a charming person really, who goes on and on about the most recent number of deaths caused by car crashes amongst young people. Then he serenely lets you know how you could’ve avoided the accident with the latest conquests of technology (too bad you didn’t have them at the time). In the end he enlightens you with the main reason young people should go to church: because young people die too.He charmingly exits wishing you a perfectly lovely day!
9. Hospitals are definitely a place of diversity. Diversity of roomates, diverse specimens of nurses, diverse purchasing items. Yes, the commerce is flourishing in the hospitals too!!! You can buy here almost anything from lighters and dirty magazines to make-up (while you obviously need it) and miniature TVs. And the salesmen are happy too, while here is the only place where the customer can’t turn around and leave.
10. The doctor patient relationship must be the key point of attraction though. Ever since you are admitted you are taught to smile and nodd during the doctor visit, while he asks you if everything is allright. This mainly sums up everything you know about your situation, but you might get lucky and one of the less experienced nurses can explain you later, close-to-the-truth facts and prognosis about your injuries.
So there you have it, hospitals in Romania – How can you not love them???
10 Reasons to Enjoy Hospitals in Romania
Friday, March 31, 2006
Ore : 4:22 PM
Ore : 4:22 PM
What did I do to Deserve This?
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Ore : 6:08 AM
Ore : 6:08 AM
Written in the hospital on March 21st
February 16th – a day which will certainly live in my history!
Before this day my soul was in its wandering period, I was asking myself how many actual friends do I really have, what have I achieved so far in my life, am I satisfied with the way I am, where exactly am I heading, etc…………………….all the usual questions of a woman just beginning her real life. My answer to all these questions was going on a traineeship to clear my head, define my options, and get a larger perspective on life. And I was all set to go at the beginning of next year…..
And then February 16th came……..and changed everything.Talking about getting a larger perpective on life
Not only do I feel more optimistic about all those great moments yet to come, but in the same time I feel so much richer with all the beautiful people in my life, people I didn’t take time to really notice and appreciate at their right value until now….
I’m not even sure how people found out about my accident, but not in a million years would I have expected so many friends to show up in my room with smiles and flowers and all the positivity in the world.
So naturally, I ask myself: What did I do to deserve this?
What did I do to deserve a person who loves me so much that puts his entire life on hold in order to spend night and day at the hospital, holding my hand, easing my pains and caressing me to sleep every time?
What did I do to have such a strong father who has done nothing but encourage me to be brave in the hardest moments?
What did I do to deserve such wonderful colleagues and a CEO busting his head and using his personal connections so that I get the best medical care possible and the best conditions a patient can hope for?
What did I do to deserve so many wonderful friends that came and visited me so many times in the hospital, friends who filled my soul with smiles and kisses, with flowers and fruit J, greeting cards and injured teddy bears, late night calls and messages, home made cooking and so much much more.
Tomorrow I am leaving the hospital after 5 weeks of lying in bed. There were 5 challenging weeks for my family and me but most of all there were 5 weeks of good friends, love and smiles and lots of spoiling for Rada.
Thank all you guys for making my life so wonderful in these moments.
February 16th – a day which will certainly live in my history!
Before this day my soul was in its wandering period, I was asking myself how many actual friends do I really have, what have I achieved so far in my life, am I satisfied with the way I am, where exactly am I heading, etc…………………….all the usual questions of a woman just beginning her real life. My answer to all these questions was going on a traineeship to clear my head, define my options, and get a larger perspective on life. And I was all set to go at the beginning of next year…..
And then February 16th came……..and changed everything.Talking about getting a larger perpective on life
Not only do I feel more optimistic about all those great moments yet to come, but in the same time I feel so much richer with all the beautiful people in my life, people I didn’t take time to really notice and appreciate at their right value until now….
I’m not even sure how people found out about my accident, but not in a million years would I have expected so many friends to show up in my room with smiles and flowers and all the positivity in the world.
So naturally, I ask myself: What did I do to deserve this?
What did I do to deserve a person who loves me so much that puts his entire life on hold in order to spend night and day at the hospital, holding my hand, easing my pains and caressing me to sleep every time?
What did I do to have such a strong father who has done nothing but encourage me to be brave in the hardest moments?
What did I do to deserve such wonderful colleagues and a CEO busting his head and using his personal connections so that I get the best medical care possible and the best conditions a patient can hope for?
What did I do to deserve so many wonderful friends that came and visited me so many times in the hospital, friends who filled my soul with smiles and kisses, with flowers and fruit J, greeting cards and injured teddy bears, late night calls and messages, home made cooking and so much much more.
Tomorrow I am leaving the hospital after 5 weeks of lying in bed. There were 5 challenging weeks for my family and me but most of all there were 5 weeks of good friends, love and smiles and lots of spoiling for Rada.
Thank all you guys for making my life so wonderful in these moments.
How Evil am I? (Don't answer that!!!)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Ore : 3:37 PM
Ore : 3:37 PM
I just saw this quiz and I couldn't resist the temptation.
Apparently I'm close to angelhood :0).....
Apparently I'm close to angelhood :0).....
You Are 30% Evil |
![]() A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
The Luckiest Person in the World
Monday, March 27, 2006
Ore : 4:42 PM
Ore : 4:42 PM
I always thought the main purpose of the blogs to be the sharing of meaningful experiences, stories people can relate to, something they can learn from.
That’s one of the main reasons I didn’t have a blog until now. Maybe I underestimated my life so far but I couldn’t put my finger on that one great moment in my life that was so different and unique that others can actually learn something from. That and the already proven fact that I’m not a very concise person. I could bore people to death with my writing (the ones who’ve read my 54 pages application form for the MC know what I’m talking about).
Anyway, as I don’t intend to make this out as an “OnlineDiary of Rada”, I just wanted to share this one experience that turned my life around a little bit, in the most unexpected way. Right here, from the friendly hospital bed…
Ah, if only thoughts came in organized chronological order…..
To start with, I never had imagined that a car crash can make you feel like one of the luckiest persons on Earth, even though it puts you in a hospital with several fractures and a 2 month bed detention period.
The strangest technical detail of a car accident is the fact that when it happens you see everything in slow motion. You don’t hear anything and you are 100% focused on the car coming towards you. You are so fascinated with that image that you become unable to move a muscle.
In my case though, I was lucky. Just before the impact something miraculous happened that saved my life. I never have good reflexes when it comes to avoid something hitting me. Somehow this time, it’s like an invisible hand pushed me towards the opposite side of the car, just as the other car was crashing into ours. And that literally saved my life.
And then I woke up. Sounds like a bad prank you play on your friends….
It was still February 16th, we were surrounded by a lot of cars and people, the ambulance was there and we also had to wait for decarceration to arrive. Not recalling exactly what had happened, one of my first worries was that Stefan and my father don’t find out about the accident, at least not until I was well enough.
When I got at the hospital I was so happy to see a man I’ve never seen before but who was the first person to smile reassuringly at me. He turned out to be one of my colleagues in Oradea and he took care of everything there, even announcing Stefan and my father about the accident.
I can only recall bits of what happened next…..I remember being confused with all those agitated doctors around claiming I had a lot of fractured bones in my body even though I didn’t feel any pain. Even so I was relieved to see a good friend’s face when lucki appeared at the hospital with her mother. It’s strange how a familiar face can make all the difference in these kinds of moments…….
I can’t remember ever feeling happier than when I saw Stefan and my father entering my room at the hospital. I was so thrilled they were there that I didn’t care about anything else. We didn’t talk about the accident; we just looked at each other with immense gratitude for this chance, simply enjoying each others’ presence.
That’s one of the main reasons I didn’t have a blog until now. Maybe I underestimated my life so far but I couldn’t put my finger on that one great moment in my life that was so different and unique that others can actually learn something from. That and the already proven fact that I’m not a very concise person. I could bore people to death with my writing (the ones who’ve read my 54 pages application form for the MC know what I’m talking about).
Anyway, as I don’t intend to make this out as an “Online
Ah, if only thoughts came in organized chronological order…..
To start with, I never had imagined that a car crash can make you feel like one of the luckiest persons on Earth, even though it puts you in a hospital with several fractures and a 2 month bed detention period.
The strangest technical detail of a car accident is the fact that when it happens you see everything in slow motion. You don’t hear anything and you are 100% focused on the car coming towards you. You are so fascinated with that image that you become unable to move a muscle.
In my case though, I was lucky. Just before the impact something miraculous happened that saved my life. I never have good reflexes when it comes to avoid something hitting me. Somehow this time, it’s like an invisible hand pushed me towards the opposite side of the car, just as the other car was crashing into ours. And that literally saved my life.
And then I woke up. Sounds like a bad prank you play on your friends….
It was still February 16th, we were surrounded by a lot of cars and people, the ambulance was there and we also had to wait for decarceration to arrive. Not recalling exactly what had happened, one of my first worries was that Stefan and my father don’t find out about the accident, at least not until I was well enough.
When I got at the hospital I was so happy to see a man I’ve never seen before but who was the first person to smile reassuringly at me. He turned out to be one of my colleagues in Oradea and he took care of everything there, even announcing Stefan and my father about the accident.
I can only recall bits of what happened next…..I remember being confused with all those agitated doctors around claiming I had a lot of fractured bones in my body even though I didn’t feel any pain. Even so I was relieved to see a good friend’s face when lucki appeared at the hospital with her mother. It’s strange how a familiar face can make all the difference in these kinds of moments…….
I can’t remember ever feeling happier than when I saw Stefan and my father entering my room at the hospital. I was so thrilled they were there that I didn’t care about anything else. We didn’t talk about the accident; we just looked at each other with immense gratitude for this chance, simply enjoying each others’ presence.
Only then have I started to really feel grateful and to believe that really being injured didn’t matter, that the next 2 months spent in bed are of no importance whatsoever, and that all the pains that finally kicked in after a few hours of shock are there just to remind me how lucky I am to be alive…………..how lucky I am to be able to be with the one I love, how lucky I am to see my father smiling……..how lucky I am to have another chance to make the best out of this life. I felt and still feel so empowered with the image of the future yet to come…….Must be because I am the luckiest person in the world!